martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Used to/ Would- Inglés

Used To/ Would

Used to
It is usually followed by an infinitive: We used to swim in the river.But sometimes the following infinitive is left out: ♦ I don’t play golf now, but I used to.
Used to only exists as a past tense.
Questions and negatives are usually formed with ‘did’ + use to (with no ‘d’): Did you use to work here? ♦ We didn’t use to earn much. The spelling ‘did used to’ is sometimes used, but many people think that this is wrong.
In formal English, negatives are often formed with used not toThey used not to allow shops to be open on Sundays. The short forms usen’t to and usedn’t to are sometimes used, but they sound rather formal and old-fashioned.


we use it for repeated actions or routines in the past. We do not use Would with stative verbs, because they describe states and not actions. 

Example: We used to/would go camping by the river. (we don´t go camping anymore).

Using "would" in place of "used to" when talking about actions done multiple times in the past is exceedingly common in everyday speech.

Resultado de imagen para would and used to

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